Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Open Campus

In my school nobody can leave school grounds for lunch or for anything unless you are dismissed. You can’t even sit outside to eat your lunch unless you are a senior which is not fair to any underclassmen. Why just because there seniors do they get to sit outside to eat but if you’re not a senior you can’t. This shouldn’t even be a problem because we should be able to leave school grounds for lunch as long as we come back on time and the school is somewhat strict about it and have a sign in and sign out sheet. I don’t see how this would not work. The only argument to this I can think of is students just not coming back but it doesn’t matter because the kids that would do that already just walk out of school anyway. So it really doesn’t make a difference.
One other problem with this in our school would be it does get cold so we couldn’t eat outside but we could still leave and go somewhere and then come back. Unless there is too much snow then we should just have to eat school lunch. But schools in warmer climates should always be able to do this unless the weather is too severe or if there is some type of emergency. A school that is in a cold climate all year round just shouldn’t be able to leave because there is most likely just going to be snow everywhere. Also most schools that have an open campus don’t allow everybody to leave school grounds for lunch. Which is good they make the kids that are doing poorly academic wise or disrupting class stay for lunch.  The student’s that are doing well in class and have good conduct can leave school for lunch in a lot of schools. It would be good if we could do the same at our school.
Good things that could come from having an open campus is that there wouldn’t be nearly as much of a mess as usual and there wouldn’t be many kids to control so more things like fights won’t happen. Also being able to leave school for lunch is almost like taking a break from school for a little while which would be good because then you can relax and come back to class more focused. It also would help the restaurants in the community because they would have more customers which is more money. There are also bad things that can be caused by having an open campus. For example some students will just get the quickest and easiest thing to get since there is such little time. Unfortunately the easiest thing to get is fast food when school systems already have a problem with not having healthy lunches well this would be making that problem more likely to happen. Also school systems have problems with illegal substances in school well this is another way to make that issue more likely to occur. Another issue is students that don’t drive might take a long time and get to class late because they have to walk.
As you can see there are both pros and cons to this subject. I believe that most schools in a warmer climate or schools that have a period with a warm climate should have an open campus.  Just another pro from this is it could be used as a study period to finish work that you need done or if you forgot homework for a class you can get it during lunch because you could go home and come back. I am for having an open campus but don’t get me wrong there are still a lot of cons of having one. A way they could avoid all of this is if schools could have a decent lunch and enough to please the students appetite. Most schools like mine don’t offer or give much for lunch and it doesn’t taste that good either.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Government Problems

Terrorism is a very big deal in our world today especially after 9/11. The CIA, FBI, and all police authority are always all over terrorism and anyone that they think could have the slightest potential to be apart of an attack or group. If they think a journalist or a reporter or editor has anything to do with something they should be all over that person and be learning everything there involved in but not listening in on all journalists, editors, and reporter's phone calls for two months. That's invading people's privacy that have nothing to do with the situation. It's almost like the government was stalking random people and learning about there lives for no reason which I don't think many people would be fine with strangers listening to every one of your phone calls. I understand this is to protect the American people but the government brought this to another level which should never happen again.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cigarette Addiction

Why do people smoke cigarettes if it causes cancer and kills? Well most people will have a smoke when they are stressed to relax them and it actually does relax them but it's also killing them so why not find something else to relax them? An estimated 443,000 people die from cigarettes each year and a lot get cancer from it and don't usually survive. Cigarettes cause lung, liver, mouth, pancreatic and a lot of other very dangerous cancer's. Cigarette's are one of the hardest addiction's to quit but people need to look at it as either live there life or smoke and die.

Also a lot of parents that smoke don't realize there harming there children with second hand smoke which is very dangerous. Especially if they smoke in the house that makes the second hand smoke get to the children much easier and cause harm to them. That would be another way cigarette smokers could be motivated to quit smoking. Also the commercials you see on television with the older people that can't talk without a voicebox and have problems with there face and skin was all because of ciggaretes and if your addicted you could end up the same way.